KISD follows guidelines set by the Texas Dept. of Health for communicable illness. Please keep your student at home for the following conditions:
Temperature of 100 degrees or above
Vomiting or diarrhea
Red, draining eyes
Presence of lice in the hair
Rash of undetermined cause
Intense itching with open lesions
Open draining lesions
Undiagnosed scaly patches on the body or scalp
Pain/swelling in the angle of the jaw
Suffering from a reportable illness as defined by the health dept.
NOTE: The State of Texas requires students must be fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medication) before returning to school.
If your child is feeling ill in the morning and is “borderline”, please let the nurse or teachers know.
Please do not send any medications to school with your child including cough drops. Medications sent in baggies will not be administered. This is for the safety of all students.
Medication at School:
Student must have a medical necessity for the medication at school
Parent must complete a Medication Authorization Form
Medicine must be brought by an adult, in the original container, indicated for a children's dose, and not be expired
Cough drops are considered an OTC medication per KISD, thus requiring a Medication Authorization Form.
If your child has a severe allergy or health condition that could require treatment at school, please notify the school nurse so that the appropriate staff can be notified and training can take place.
Health Screenings: Hearing and vision screenings are mandated by the state of Texas for grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7 as well as incoming new students. Students will also be assessed for Acanthosis Nigricans, a pre-diabetes skin marker on the nape of the neck.
You will receive a call from the nurse if your child is ill or if they received a head injury at school (even minor head bumps will warrant a phone call). For minor injuries and complaints (bruises, scrapes, headaches, stomach aches, etc.), the nurse will do her best to communicate with you via a note sent home.
Please do not hesitate to call me at 817-744-6020 or email me at should you have questions or concerns.